Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Guano... Babe Magnet

Human females are beginning to swarm me like centipedes on an injured mouse. They poke my face with their lips and jiggle my troll flesh. They hold up two fingers behind each others heads to imitate my troll ears. I put up with them for a while until they start to shriek and whine. They are definitely the strangest humans I've had to deal with so far. I'm not sure I understand what it is they want. I'm not sure that THEY know either. I'm relatively safe from them here in the cave unless they wander in. I may have to set some traps around the entrance...

My SLACKER band is forging ahead despite that one of the lazy bastards has escaped. And Heidi, my kitty is getting bigger as she's been feasting on eels and koi fish.
See? My plan to have NO plan is working out perfectly!! *snort*

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