Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cookin' up new songs and a mammal

Another wild band rehearsal in the cave last night.  Slacker Jason was hanging around and Slacker Kragen was poking him wit' a stick.  Small fires were set.  Beer bottles were shattered on rocks.  Typical Slacker behavior.  Eventually they got around to rehearsing and worked on some new tunes.  The "Funky Pirate" is beginning to take shape.  A funk song sung by pirates... GOOD STUFF!  It's about Pirates who are out lookin' to find some Booty, or I should say, Boo-tay...

As for me, I huddled around the fire for a while, then got me a great idea.  I tried out a new barbeque recipe.  I concocted a sauce made from Guano's Merlot, shoyu and fermented fruit paste.  I spread it onto a mammal and barbequed for 30 minutes. It was scrumptilious!

1 comment:

  1. Hey everyone, Stripe here,
    The Food, the Wine, the Music......
    My fellow Gremlins and I were lurking at the edge of where the Red Lights of Guano's Cave meet the Darkness. We scrambled in when those lazy Bat Rastards took a break....(like they needed one) and grabbed some of the charred Mammal flesh. (I believe it was fricasse of Cat) The highlight of the evening was towards the end when Slacker Jason (He's the guy with the black dirt on his face) and Slacker Kragen (the only Slacker with a full head of hair.....or at least that's how I recognize him)began perform stupid human tricks. Slacker Jason became entangled in some sort of electrical cable and Slacker Kragen began poking at him with a sharp stick used to bang on Slacker Marks Drums! All in all it was quite a tribal moment!
    Mahalo Guano for inviting us!
