Sunday, August 7, 2011

SLACKER Bllboards going up!

Ernie is one of the only humans I know who has a tail like me. Except that it grows outta his chin.

I had asked Ernie to paint me a human-sized poster of the new SLACKER CD so that MY beeyootiful image would be life-sized.  Look at dat!  He did a great job.  I was so impressed that I put him in charge of the Japanese promotional campaign.

He now has some weird humans standing on Tokyo street corners handing out SLACKER flyers and selling CDs.  We all know how the Japanese LOVE cute things, so they're gunna LOVE me!

As of yesterday the first billboard went up in the Akihabara section of Tokyo.  The Japanese culture is now absorbing my troll image.  My trollness is seeping into ALL of your minds.   You cannot resist me!  HA HAR HAR!    *snort*

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