Sunday, May 1, 2011


These guys came into my cave and made a lotta noise. At first, I wanted to kill them and stuff their corpses into crevices. But then the loud music they were playing rattled the bugs loose from the ceiling, which I eat.  So I made a deal with them...

I let them rehearse in my cave and in turn they feed me. I eat candy and chocolate. They named the band SLACKER after me cuz I don't do much 'cept pass wind and sleep.  They recorded some of their songs at Maui Wave Studio with some slackass bastard by the name of Peter Lago. I wanted to gnaw the tattoos off his legs but he actually turned out to really know his shit. He recorded SLACKER and mixed the songs and they are puttin' out a CD, so I'm just lettin' ya know about it.

 Ya know, if there were more Slackers like these guys I might not mind you ridiculous humans. Slackin' is a lifestyle. Stop your frickin' worryin' and whining about yer stupid jobs. Relax and have a drink. Eat candy, Listen to music. Lay back and shut the hell up.  SNORT!


  1. Eh, what kind of music is it? troll music?

  2. Guano I think you're so cute. I'm so ashamed of myself
