Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Guano is Still MIA

What a week! We are terribly concerned about our beloved Guano. We placed LOST TROLL flyers around town and have received some responses. Unfortunately, these photos were taken before he disappeared.
This photo above was sent to us showing Guano, barely visible, bush-slacking in the outskirts of the park, typical of his troll behavior. Not the cat... but the red blob of crud in the background. This was more than a week ago, however. 

Poochie snapped a shot of him in the garbage cans, which scared the bejeezus out of him. You can just see him poking his bat ears out of the can.

Somebody by the name of Crapplebum spotted him by the school dumpsters. We can't tell what's going on there.
And then just before he disappeared, he was seen asleep on top of the porta potty by the harbor. That Slacker would scare the crap out of any unsuspecting slob trying to take a dump. 
He probably realizes that he affects people who stumble across him in the dark, but he seems to not care in the least.

Please contact us at if you spot our red troll.
Thank you,
The Slacker team