Monday, June 13, 2011

A visit from Kenny G

There's this musician called Kenny G who came down to the cave to meet SLACKER.  They talked about music and he was showing off some kind of brass bong that he brought.  I was resting behind the amplifiers and took a picture of him.

They slacked around the cave for a while and he seemed quite happy.  Then, I don't know what happened... Slacker Steve was playing a SLACKER song on a boom box and I thought Kenny was diggin' it.  I even felt comfortable enough to jump down off my perch to get a better shot.

That's when his whole demeanor changed and his curly hair got all wacky.  He made the same screeching sound one o' those seabirds make when I clamp my jaws down on 'em...  hurts my ears.

You pathetic humans just act so weird sometimes.  How the hell do you live like that?  You're all way too unpredictable.

So then he runs outta the cave like a cat that just got his tail bit off.  I'm hoping he just wanted to tell somebody about the great songs.  Oh well...whatever...
I DID like his hair.

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