Saturday, June 4, 2011

You're all a buncha idiots

Last night I found a nice hole in the sidewalk to lay down in and as soon as that frick'n sun came up, some lady starts yelling at me.  She made me jump and bump my head.  Why do humans have to freak out like a trapped mongoose when they see me?  All that hysterical crying and pointing...
See, the guys in SLACKER don't get all stupid like that.

Look, they even put MY image on the cover of their new CD. Then they try to make their faces look like mine.  Or maybe its just that they can smell what I'm smellin'.  But there's Slacker Jason and Slacker Steve with the prototype cover of their new CD that's gunna be out on July 1st.  Maybe THEN you bat-rastards will start to appreciate my unique bee-yooty!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Guano, I'd like to pre-order some cds. I'll send you an email
